After the adoption of the Bioeconomy Strategy in 2012, several Coordination and Support Actions, also known as CSAs, have been funded by the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes, Horizon 2020 including the BBI JU, Interreg and other European programmes, producing a considerable amount of valuable knowledge, networks and activities inter alia.

LIFT will maximise the impact of the following CSAs by valorising their outcomes and promoting the collaboration among them, aiming at identifying gaps to be addressed to ensure a stimulating environment boosting the Bio-Based economy, categories.


Coordination and support actions (CSAs) consist primarily of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues, and mutual learning exercises and studies. This includes design studies for new infrastructure and may also include complementary activities of strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries.


AlpBioEco is an EU project co-financed through the Interreg Alpine Space Programm and by the "Federal Transnational Cooperation Programme“ of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community. The 13 project partners from 5 Alpine countries work together for an innovative sustainable development in the Alpine space. We focus on the potential of bioeconomy in the value chains of herbal foods and essences. In four working packages, we investigate current value chains for apples, walnuts and herbs, develop new products as well as new business models which will be tested in pilot studies. AlpBioEco contributes to the framework of conditions for innovation, resulting in eco-innovative business ideas and concepts for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Alpine region.

The European Union bioeconomy strategy addresses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into vital products. Expanding bioeconomy, particularly in rural areas, represents a major development potential. In the Alpine regions, this potential can however only be harnessed if the actors and municipalities cooperate closely and pursue shared objectives. The overall objective of AlpBioEco is to foster the sustainability of the local economy in the Alpine Space by the valorisation of innovative bioeconomical potentials. In our project we focus on bio-based food and botanical extract value chains.

Green Growth

Regional circular economy models and best available technologies for biological streams


Enabling BBP: Enhance New Approaches in BioBased Local Innovation Networks for Growth

Grenzeloos Biobased Onderwijs - GBO

Grenzeloos Biobased Onderwijs (Boundless Biobased Education) works on the development of demand-driven biobased education programs at secondary, higher and university level and on better training and research facilities for education and business.


Improving policies in support of shared pilot facilities to increase their impact on the Key Enabling Technology Industrial Biotech and the European Bio-economy


Sustainable regional bioenergy policies: a game changer


Regional circular economy models and best available technologies for biological streams

Strategic Partnership ABBEE (Accelerating the transition towards the Bio-Based Economy via Education)

ABBEE inspirse and train a new generation of (bio-based economy) students and help accelerating the transition towards a bio-based economy via education of future professionals.

Professional support to the uptake of bioeconomy RD results towards market, further research and policy for a more competitive European bioeconomy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2015-03-01
    To: 2017-08-31
  • Overall Budget
    1 588 158,75€
  • Coordinator

ProBIO was a support action directly benefiting consortia of FP7 KBBE and H2020 bioeconomy. The overall objective was

1. To support the flow of knowledge-based bioeconomy project results from research to market, as well as back to R&I.
2. To foster the networking and knowledge exchange between different European bioeconomy initiatives under H2020 and FP7 and the most important players in the field thus raising awareness towards policy makers and engaging the general public.

To achieve its objectives, ProBIO screened all 411 KBBE projects for results, described them in interaction with the KBBE consortia, and finally classified each result according to its nature. 

Communication of Food, Fisheries, Agriculture and Biotechnologies research – a network to support EU-funded research projects
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2012-01-01
    To: 2014-12-31
  • Overall Budget
    2 234 479,10€
  • Coordinator

CommFABnet addressed the challenges in the FP6 Food Quality and Safety and FP7 KBBE programmes with an innovative range of activities to

• establish a large network of communication managers;
• identify and exchange best practice in the communication of research results to target groups;
• provide training to scientists in communicating research results;
• address target audiences including the general public, SMEs, policy makers and young people.

Communicating and Bridging BioEconomy Research to Business
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2015-03-01
    To: 2018-02-28
  • Overall Budget
    1 672 591,25€
  • Coordinator

To contribute to the improvement of sustainable living conditions through the most effective and responsible use of our biological resources. This will be achieved through designing, delivering, assessing & evaluating a Pilot scheme (BeBizPilotPlan), that provides tailored and targeted support and co-ordination activities across all Member States.

Creating links to speed-up innovation in the bio economy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2015-07-01
    To: 2018-06-30
  • Overall Budget
    2 000 096, 26€
  • Coordinator

BioLinX supports participants in the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and Horizon 2020 (H2020) projects in commercializing their innovative ideas and connects them to markets and regional networks.

Boosting European citizens knowledge and awareness of bioeconomy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2017-11-01
    To: 2020-10-31
  • Overall Budget
    2 400 000€
  • Coordinator

The main objective of this project is to establish open and informed dialogues, co-created by European citizens, the civil society, bioeconomy innovation networks, local research centers, business and industry stakeholders and various levels of government including the European Commission. BLOOM will elaborate five hubs (communities of practice) that will allow for an iterative process that involves with all stakeholders through various cycles of value development, enabling cross-fertilization and idea generation through shared knowledge and experiences. In co-created workshops outreach activities will be designed, explored and validated that are exactly adapted to the regional needs of the stakeholders.
The interactions aim to (a) raise awareness and knowledge on bioeconomy by enabling open and informed dialogue throughout the bioeconomy innovation processes (b) build up and strengthen a bioeconomy community, (c) gain a common understanding of the concept, providing reliable insights into bioeconomies, its practices, benefits and implications (d) foster learning and education. With that, the project will support the reduction of existing barriers towards a bioeconomy and stimulate bioeconomy activities at the regional and EU level.

Mobilization of a plurality of voices and mutual learning to accelerate the Bio-based sector
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2018-01-01
    To: 2020-12-31
  • Overall Budget
    2 996 427,50€
  • Coordinator

BIOVoices is a 36 months proposal aiming at engaging all relevant stakeholder groups “voices” (policy makers, researchers, the business community and the civil society) in order to address societal, environmental and economic challenges related to bio-based products and applications.
The platform developed by BIOVoices builds on the concept the concept of Mobilisation & Mutual Learning Platforms (MML) and methods developed previously in European projects with the ultimate objective of delivering an Action Plan addressing the challenges of raising awareness of and engaging with the citizens on the bio-based products.
1) Define a framework for MML by reviewing barriers and opportunities for the development of bio-based value chains, identifying stakeholders and expected benefits from mutual learning and mapping bio-based products based on stakeholders' interests.
2) Launch the BIOVoices multi-stakeholders community and social platform to support and enable discussion, workshops, mobilization and mutual learning events.
4) Improve framework conditions for new bio-based market opportunities including action plans and processes, by involving in more than 50 co-creation events, at European, National and Regional level attracting at least 2.840 experts.
5) Transform the experience of the BIOVoices community in Actionable Knowledge for the different stakeholders, publishing recommendations and policy briefs (at least four) to address the challenges related to bioeconomy.
6) Ensure that the BIOVoices outcomes will have an impact on the different stakeholders, though and early impact, dissemination, communication and exploitation strategy.
The BIOVoices Consortium merges a variety of complementary expertise, aiming to build a consistent multi-actor approach integrating 13 partners from 10 EU Member States from Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean area to central and eastern European countries.

  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2018-09-01
    To: 2020-08-31
  • Overall Budget
    995 485 €
  • Coordinator
    GLOBAZ, S.A.

BIOBRIDGES is a 24 months action aiming at boosting the marketability of bio-based products - BBPs by establishing close cooperation and partnership between bio-based Industries - BBI, brand owners and consumers’ representatives. The ultimate goal is to stimulate and support the active engagement of and interaction among all stakeholders (including local communities and local authorities) and improve market acceptance of BBPs.
BIOBRIDGES will design and implement replicable methodologies, procedures and good practices supporting multi-stakeholders’ interaction, leading to new cross-sector partnerships.

Main activities will be:

• Identify the cooperation challenges among consumers, brand owners and BBI
• Create a sustainable multi-stakeholder community involving consumer representatives, BBI and brand owners from different bio-based economy clusters and stimulate dialogue and cooperation
• Following a co-creation approach, increase consumers’ and brand owners’ awareness, confidence and trust on the benefits of BBPs compared to the fossil-based counterparts,
• Support the establishment of at least 2 new cross-cutting interconnections in bio-based economy clusters and define replicable procedures and good practices leading to the establishment of new cross-sector partnerships and business opportunities
• Stimulate the multi-stakeholder discussion toward pre-and co-normative research, new standardisation/labelling and emerging co-creation models (B2B and B2C).
At the end of the project, at least 2 new cross-sector interconnections in bio-based economy cluster will be established, while the foundations for the creation of new ones based on the arguments, best practices and recommendations deriving from the project will be formed.

The BIOBRIDGES consortium merges a variety of complementary expertise, aiming to build a consistent multi-actor approach integrating 9 partners already involve in other projects like BIOWAYS, BIOVoices and BIOSTEP.

Increase public awareness of bio-based products and applications supporting the growth of the European bioeconomy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2016-10-01
    To: 2018-09-30
  • Overall Budget
    965 750€
  • Coordinator

The Project objectives are to: understand the characteristics and potential of bio-based products and applications; to enhance the visibility of bio-based products and applications; to encourage discussion about the potential of the bio-based economy for society and contribute to awareness of it and its promotion; to increase awareness and knowledge of how bio-based products are used and the overall interest of young students in the bio-based economy at large.

Promoting stakeholder engagement and public awareness for a participative governance of the European bioeconomy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2015-03-01
    To: 2018-02-28
  • Overall Budget
    1 760 581,25€
  • Coordinator
    ECOLOGIC INSTITUT gemeinnützige GmbH

BioSTEP aimed to promote a public dialogue on the goals of the Bioeconomy, to increase overall awareness and understanding, as well as consequences and benefits. It applied a three-tier approach to reach all relevant actors in the bioeconomy domain by using tailored communication tools, such as workshops, conferences, exhibitions and public debates on the bioeconomy.

Promotion of the Bio-Economy through a travelling exhibition in Europe
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2011-10-01
    To: 2015-01-31
  • Overall Budget
    1 111 501,80€
  • Coordinator

BIOPROM brought together experts who work with and on new concepts for communicating Bioeconomy science to the public. One of these concepts was to address the interests and concerns of citizens through an interactive exhibition in association with science concepts with citizens/ debates and participative democracy tools. Accross EU (in Italy, Scotland, Austria and Estonia) initiatives were started setting up science centres, science museums and in organising national or regional events. BIOPROM's main goal was to promote Bioeconomy in the regions. Along these lines, a BIOPROM travelling exhibition was established and was shown at four different science centres.

Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2016-10-01
    To: 2019-09-30
  • Overall Budget
    998 570€
  • Coordinator

The Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project (BioCannDo) will raise awareness and acceptance of the broad public towards the bioeconomy and bio-based products through a strategic, stakeholder-driven information campaign and education.

Convincing people that the bio-based economy offers something desirable, with new products, functionalities and applications for their daily life, that provide answers to societal concerns (e.g. climate change), requires neutral and science-based information. BioCannDo will present such information in a way that is easy to understand for the broader public. It will provide various means for feedback, interaction and encourges engagement in a discourse on common questions and concerns.

Collaborating with bio-based stakeholder networks and communities at EU, regional and national level, BioCannDo will provide information, educational materials and key communication messages through such channels as a community of related projects and educational partners and an Inhub which combines different means of online communication (i.e. social media, blogs, videos, journalistic articles).

BioCannDo will build on the legacy of previous projects (i.e. by using their networks, or social media accounts), existing material developed by them and be active in collecting, connecting, aggregating and reformulating content from different actors and resources. It will generate new content addressing the most urgent gaps in information and education. Such dual approach will help to maximise synergies and increase impact of both existing and new material.

The developed content and key communication messages will be assessed and tested by stakeholders and target users through focus groups and a market survey. Findings will be used in feedback loops to adapt the content and messages.

A network of bioeconomy open access pilot and multipurpose demo facilities
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2017-06-01
    To: 2019-08-31
  • Overall Budget
    1 028 311,25€
  • Coordinator

Pilots4U aims to setup one very visible, easy accessible network of open access pilot and multipurpose demo-infrastructures for the European bio-economy with Europe-wide coverage and protecting IP rights of users. Since pilot- and demo equipment is very expensive and requires specific expertise, open access infrastructures are the most cost-effective manner to support the deployment of industry-driven innovations in the market.

To assure that the network meets the needs of the European bio-economy industry (SMEs, start-ups, Large enterprises), current European pilot and demo-capabilities are compared with the needs of the European biobased industry. Up to six business cases of investments in additional equipment, facilities or capabilities will be evaluated, and the first steps will be taken to attract financing. Different cooperation schemes for the open access pilot- and demo-network will be considered.
The project consortium has all the required players to succeed: Six partners are coordinating bio-economy pilot or multipurpose demo-infrastructure networks, and therefore assure the involvement of over 40 infrastructures: Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (SmartPilots), VTT (ERIFORE), Royal Institute of Technology KTH (BRISK), Swansea University (Enalgae), Ghent University (Biorefine Cluster Europe) and NNFCC (as secretary of the BioPilotsUK initiative). The cluster organisation CLIC Innovation is representing industry that is contributing in cash to the project. The Europan Regions, research and innovation network with 150 member regions will attract interested European stakeholders (infraststructure owners and users) to get involved in the project, and NNFCC, the bio-economy consultant, is a professional, independent consultant who will lead the study.

emPOWERing regional stakeholders for realising the full potential of european BIOeconomy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2018-10-01
    To: 2021-03-31
  • Overall Budget
    2 969 893,75€
  • Coordinator

POWER4BIO aims at empowering EU regions to maximise the use of their locally available biomass feedstock.
POWER4BIO will support policy makers and other regional stakeholders to foster the transition to a bioeconomy era.
POWER4BIO will develop a catalogue of business model pathways to fully realise the bioeconomy potential of each region.
POWER4BIO will involve 10 regions across EU and 1 regional network, supported by an extensive number of stakeholders.

Absorbing the Potential of Wood Waste in EU Regions and Industrial Bio-based Ecosystems
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2017-01-01
    To: 2019-12-31
  • Overall Budget
    996 056,25€
  • Coordinator

BioReg project proposes to create a platform of stakeholders who are able to influence and develop their regions towards bio-based industries and products.

Demonstrator case studies have been selected among European regions – Gothenburg, (SE); Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttember (Ge), Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna (IT), North West England (UK) and Vorarlberg and Syria, Austria. Those have set up renewable wood waste-based systems at different stages of the waste wood value chain including different wood waste source, pre-sorting, sorting, collection, recycling and wood waste treatment (to materials, biochemicals or biofuels) as well as the different gradings and regional wood waste composition in each country.

3 recipient regions were selected for this project in regards to their unused waste wood potential: Normandy (France), Lublin (Poland), Andalucia (Spain).

The BioReg platform will function on two levels. On the EU level: best practices in terms of strategies and technologies as well as implementing mechanisms will be shared with the beneficiary recipient regions on the project and disseminated to many other potential regions in the EU (EUBIA). The platform will will encourage the collaboration of members and stakeholders on the European level. On the regional level: the best practices will be replicated in the three beneficiary regions. The proposal offers collaboration with regional existing clusters, constructive dialogue with regional authorities and policy makers, industrial and RTD establishments in the recipient regions. It will mobilize the recipient regions to develop the existing potential for industrial innovative projects and build bio-based ecosystems. Industries, regions and investors will be brought together to establish an efficient dialogue so that demand and supply can be aligned and large impact projects can be realized.

The project proposes mechanisms to engage the stakeholders in collaboration also after the EU funding on BioReg is over.

BioEconomy Regional Strategy Toolkit
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2013-12-01
    To: 2015-11-30
  • Overall Budget
    1 276 461,44€
  • Coordinator

The implementation of the European bioeconomy occurs under the impulsion of entrepreneurs (ranging from carbon-based industries to farmers and foresters) and political authorities, assisted by knowledge workers (R&D). The drivers are (1) the search for alternative resources for fossil fuels, (2) the response to climate warming by becoming as CO2 neutral as possible and (3) the industrial demand for new functionalities offered by biobased materials and chemicals. Regions can be encouraged to apply new development strategies. Regions can also be guided to find ways to support, encourage and enhance concrete actions towards the bioeconomy by current and potential entrepreneurs within a bioeconomy. All regions are potentially ‘bioregions’, and the BERST project provides tools (sets of criteria, catalogues both of instruments and measures as well as of good practices and case studies, and guidelines for elaborating regional profiles to prepare for smart specialisation strategies) to help regions in their trajectory of bioeconomic development. The aim of this project is to take into account the bioeconomy potential and strategies of a range of different regions in Europe, and therefore to gain understanding of the possibilities and challenges related to the enhancement of biobased economies. The project also provides a support network in order to promote the development of smart specialisation strategies based on regional bioeconomic potential.

Opening bio-based markets via standards, labelling and procurement
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2013-11-01
    To: 2016-10-31
  • Overall Budget
    8 057 503,80€
  • Coordinator

The Open-Bio project aims at increasing the uptake speed of standards, labels and harmonized product information lists for bio-based products. It covers research and demonstration on direct and indirect biomass content methods, biodegradability and ecotoxicity tests. Practical solutions for stakeholders, lab and field tests on for instance sampling or capability of being recycled or digested in a gasifier will be studied. Goal is to copy results one-to-one into European standards and product information lists. These form the basis for a database on bio-based products. 

Forum for Bio-Based Innovation in Public Procurement

InnProBio aims to build a community of public procurement practitioners interested in Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) with Bio-Based Products and Services (BBPS). The community will be supported by online network facilities.
Based on stakeholder identification and needs assessment the project consortium will develop an elaborated and legally solid toolbox which will assist public procurers to inform themselves about BBPS and ultimately provide all relevant information to prepare an actual tender. The toolbox will be used for capacity building activities including trainings for public procurers and decision makers, market dialogues and exchanges with standardization experts. It will furthermore be presented in an online decision support tool and a multilingual handbook. The workshop and dialogue concept for trainings can subsequently be used throughout Europe.

Bio-Based Industries
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2017-05-01
    To: 2020-04-30
  • Overall Budget
    5 306 371,50€
  • Coordinator

STAR-ProBio constitutes a multidisciplinary and multi-actor collaborative project that will meet environmental, social and economic challenges, paving the way for a much-needed sustainability transition towards a bio-based economy.
The overall objective of the project is to promote a more efficient and harmonized policy regulation framework, needed to promote the market-pull of bio-based products. This will be achieved by developing a fit-for-purpose sustainability scheme, including standards, labels and certifications for bio-based products. To this aim, an integral part of STAR-ProBio will be the adoption of life-cycle methodologies to assess the roll-out of bio-based products. Environmental assessment will be performed, through LCA, in a circular economy framework (with a focus on end-of-life analysis) looking at issues which emerge upstream and downstream the value chain. This will be complemented by a techno-economic assessment and by a social impact assessment conducted through stakeholder analysis, SLCA, surveys and field experiments. Indirect land use change issues (ILUC) will also be addressed from an environmental, economic and social perspective. Moreover, the analysis of selected case studies on (1) construction materials, (2) bio-based polymers, and (3) fine chemicals, will ensure that the approach is not too broad and theoretic, allowing the benchmarking against non bio-based products.

  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2017-05-01
    To: 2019-12-31
  • Overall Budget
    1 205 451,25€
  • Coordinator

Nowadays, the center of the bio-based economy is the development of integrated value chains removing sector barriers, where market and product innovations are driven by societal needs and vision of brand owners, and require the collaborations between different sectors through new bio-based value chains (from feedstock to products), also establishing co-operations throughout industry clusters.

Open innovation has been identified as the major driver to perform innovation through the flow (in and out) of knowledge, technologies and competences, for organisations to design, plan, and implement market and product innovations as well as to establish sustainable partnerships joining forces with customers, feedstock suppliers, academia, and financial sector.

In BiOPEN a consortium highly specialized in the bio-based industry, composed by five European bio-based clusters, three open innovation expert companies, and one research centre, will embark on an ambitious programme to support collaboration and knowledge sharing in the bio-based industry, stimulating the set-up of co-innovation partnerships for the development of new products and markets in the sector.

Systems Analysis Tools Framework for the EU Bio-Based Economy Strategy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2012-10-01
    To: 2015-03-31
  • Overall Budget
    685 482€
  • Coordinator

SAT-BBE brings together a consortium of internationally recognised and respected researchers in bio-based economy and sustainability at the European and global levels. During the two and a half years planned for the project, the consortium will design a systems analysis tools framework using their broad experience of modelling the economy in the perspective of bio-based and sustainability objectives. A systems analysis tools framework has the purpose to understand the functional requirements of a bio-based economy and to measure the necessary extent for transformation of the economy as a whole to a bio-based foundation. Systems analysis implies the capacity to understand relations between parts, and the nature of both the parts and their relationships. Tools are modelling and non-modelling analytical methods, organised in evaluation (and, by extension, monitoring) methodologies. The project will match the tools with the requirements of the systems analysis and ensure that links between the tools and their access by non-specialists are explicitly addressed. Data requirements and indicators are designed according to the inputs required, and the outputs desired, for the type of analyses intended.

ICT Tools in Efficient Biomass Supply Chains for Sustainable Chemical Production
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2018-06-01
    To: 2020-05-31
  • Overall Budget
    999 668€
  • Coordinator

ICT-BIOCHAIN brings leading experts and support networks to develop Digital Innovation Hubs within ready-made test bed bioeconomy regions to examine opportunities for ICT, IoT and Industry 4.0. to increase the efficiency of high potential value biomass supply chains. In 2016, the EU selected 6 ""model demonstrator regions"" to lead the way towards sustainable chemical production. Within ICT-BIOCHAIN, two of these high potential Model Demonstrator Regions, South East Ireland and Andalusia, served as test bed locations for the development of digital innovation hubs for biomass mobilisation. The competence centres provided access within hubs to the best knowledge, information and technology to promote opportunities for ICT, IoT and Industry to be integrated into biomass supply chains. This will support the development of the EU bioeconomy by facilitating greater availability of competitively priced and sustainable biomass. ICT-BIOCHAIN builded on the work done in improving forestry biomass supply chains through integration of ICT tools, transferring state-of-the-art and new ICT, IoT and Industry 4.0 solution to region specific biomass supply chains.

Delivery of sustainable supply of non-food biomass to support a “resource-efficient” Bioeconomy in Europe
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2019-04-01
    To: 2020-04-01
  • Overall Budget
    5 161 511,08€
  • Coordinator

The main aim of this project is to support the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan European level through developing strategies, and roadmaps that will be informed by a “computerized and easy to use” toolset (and respective databases) with update harmonized datasets at local, regional, national and pan European level for EU27, western Balkans, Turkey and Ukraine. It will do so by comparing and making use of the most recent relevant information from recent and ongoing EU projects by a set of carefully selected validation case studies and in concise collaboration with key stakeholders from policy, industry and markets.The project fits under the overall umbrella of the Europe 2020 strategy for the building of a bioeconomy, as well as the targets for deployment of renewable energies and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.The project will build up a concise knowledge base both for the sustainable supply and logistics of nonfood biomass (quantities, costs, technological pathway options for 2020 and beyond), for the development of technology and market strategies to support the development of a “resource efficient” Bioeconomy for Europe. This includes industrial processes (i.e. bio-based industries) for manufacturing biomass-derived goods/products as well as energy conversion, both for large scale and small scale units.The research work will be organized in three individual but strongly interrelated Themes:
Theme 1 will focus on methodological approaches, data collection and estimation of sustainable biomass potentials, resource efficient pathways and optimal logistical supply routes as well as will develop the computerized toolset.

Monitoring the Bioeconomy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2018-06-01
    To: 2022-05-31
  • Overall Budget
    5 983 857,50€
  • Coordinator

The overall objective of the Monitoring the Bioeconomy (BioMonitor) project is to establish a sustainable data and modelling framework for the bioeconomy. This will be achieved by developing and implementing a data and modelling framework that is effective (supported by a stakeholders’ platform) and robust (implementable in existing systems of statistical and customs offices, laboratories and industries). The framework will enable quantification of the bioeconomy and its economic, environmental and social impacts in the EU and its Member States. Interlinks with current CEN standardisation work related to bio-based products will be established from the outset of the project. The contributions of BioMonitor are threefold. First, the project will close the data gaps in measuring the bioeconomy by updating and enhancing currently used data sets. BioMonitor will assure the inclusion of new emerging bio-based products and industries by developing appropriate tools and strategies. Second, the improved data will be used to enhance established and new modelling tools, linked in the BioMonitor toolbox, to guide industries and governments responsible for the execution of consistent, coherent and longer term strategies with desirable consequences for multiple objectives. Third, a BioMonitor platform for stakeholder engagement and training will be created to design, test (by industry-based and country-level case studies) and disseminate results of the improved datasets and modelling capacity. The platform will inform the formulation of strategies and policies directing the bioeconomy to achieve its economic, environmental and social policy objectives according to the EC Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan. The awareness about the importance of measuring the bioeconomy within the industry will be raised through tailored training on bioeconomy standards and measurement of sustainability indicators targeted towards SMEs within the sector.

Standards and Regulations for the Bio-based Industry
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2016-09-01
    To: 2019-08-31
  • Overall Budget
    995 877,50€
  • Coordinator

This project will contribute at establishing a coherent, well-coordinated and favourable regulatory / standardization framework for supporting the development of a cutting edge bio-economy for Europe. More specifically, support to the standardization process for the concrete development of new value chains based on lignocellulosic feedstocks and biomass from forests, from agriculture and from organic waste will be provided. The main objective of the STAR4BBI project is promoting a level playing field for bio-based products. The focus of the project will be on finding practical ways to modify regulations in such a way that alternative wording, product specifications, and/or measuring methods will eliminate hurdles without compromising the initial objectives of the standard or regulation.

Roadmap for the Chemical Industry in Europe towards a Bioeconomy
  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2017-05-01
    To: 2019-04-30
  • Overall Budget
    996 820€
  • Coordinator

RoadToBio's main objective was to develop a roadmap for the chemical industry where the aspiration is to increase the share of bio-based or renewable feedstock to 25% of total volume of organic chemicals raw materials/feedstock used by the chemical industry in 2015.

  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2012-08-01
    To: 2015-07-31
  • Overall Budget
    2 809 777,60€
  • Coordinator
    EUROPABIO - The European Association of Bioindustries

The BIO-TIC project was a solutions-centred approach that comprehensively examined the innovation hurdles in industrial biotechnology (IB) across Europe and formulated action plans and recommendations to overcome them. Three roadmaps have been developed, based on literature study, > 85 interviews with experts and information collected through regional and business case workshops.

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These cookies direct advertising according to the interests of each user so as to direct advertising campaigns, taking into account the tastes of users, and they also limit the number of times you see the ad, helping to measure the effectiveness of advertising and the success of the website organisation.

Required Cookies The cookies allow to customize the commercial offers that are presented to you, considering your interests. They can be our own or third party cookies. Please, be advised that, even if you do not accept these cookies, you will receive commercial offers, but do not match your preferences.

Functional Cookies These cookies are necessary to allow the main functionality of the website and they are activated automatically when you enter this website. They store user preferences for site usage so that you do not need to reconfigure the site each time you visit it.

Advertising Cookies These cookies direct advertising according to the interests of each user so as to direct advertising campaigns, taking into account the tastes of users, and they also limit the number of times you see the ad, helping to measure the effectiveness of advertising and the success of the website organisation.